The not so ugly duckling

As I’ve told earlier, I recently visited Stockholm. While we were there we had a walk along one of the parks there and we spotted this strange action. A lot of Barnacle geese came swimming hurriedly passed us. They were in a great rush obviously, as they used both wings and feet to get maximum speed. I managed to grab a few pics, but I had to wonder what had caused them to behave so strangely. But I only had to turn my head to discover the culprit. Please read the full post to see the last image showing the big bad boy.

Barnacle Geese Barnacle geese Barnacle Geese

He came majestically floating along the water as well. He came very fast, but he did not bother to use his wings. He could keep up with the geese anyway. They had the same speed. I am not sure if the geese had tried to bully him or something like that, but he evidently did not want them anywhere near himself. He might have been protecting his feeding grounds. A couple of hundred meters further along we found the rest of his family (I guess). A mother with a few chickens.


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