Blogging at JapanPhoto

People that have followed me for a while might have noticed that I like to share a few photographs now and then. I recently learned of Japan Photos new blogging initiative so I found that I wanted to try expand my readership a little bit. Now you will be able to read some of my semi-witty tips also at (My first entry will be available shortly)

I admit to having several reasons for doing this, but one is that I will receive a gift card for a CEWE FOTOBOK for doing this. And that is actually a quite nice gift. I purchased one a while ago after travelling to Egypt and I might just give a review of the experience I had creating the book in a later blog. I think that the software for designing the content and the final result might be the best and cheapest alternative available for consumers in Norway. (And that came from the heart and not because of the gift-card)

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