Grey-headed Woodpecker

Pretty good camouflage, until it starts finding food that is. Then the noise pretty much gives it away.

There are two kinds of woodpeckers that both are quite similar to each other.

You have got the Green Woodpecker and the Grey-headed Woodpecker.
Both are green on their back, but the green woodpecker has got a dark field around the eyes. So when I first took this picture I was so sure that I had seen a Green Woodpecker, but then it turned out to be a Grey-headed one instead.

This guy (or girl, I’ve no idea witch it is) perched in a three outside our apartment one Sunday. Again I got a lucky shot.

Correction: I’ve done some more research and it might be possible that this is a Green Woodpecker after all, but a juvenile not an adult. I found this site today, and there you can see the same spotted chest as in my picture. Oh well, if there are somebody who knows, please add a comment to this post.

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